
About Us

Building homes. Creating hope. Strengthening community.


Our Mission
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Our Vision
A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Our History

1990: Co-founded as a Habitat for Humanity International affiliate by Marlene Tobias and Larry Dahlstrom on April 11.
1992: First home completed.
2006: R. Scott Engmann hired as executive director.
2007: First ReStore opened on 11th St. in Rapid City.
2008: Participated in first advocacy day at the state capital and Habitat on the Hill (advocacy day in Washington, DC).
2008: First Tees for Keys Golf Tournament.
2009: Hosted first Women Build program.
2014: Recipient of the South Dakota Army National Guard Golden Coyote award for outstanding support to Operation Golden Coyote 2014.
2016: Broke ground for new training facility at E. Omaha St. ReStore location.
2017: Garfield neighborhood Development celebrated as first of its kind in Rapid City. Eight Habitat Homes and city block rehabilitation with repurposing of school into loft apartments.
2024: Townhomes are added to Habitat housing options in the Black Hills providing multiple family in-fill housing solutions.
2024: Receives notice of $3 million Congressional Direct Allocation sponsored by Sen. Mike Rounds to build an affordable/workforce housing development.
2025: Celebrates 35th anniversary on April 11.


Our Executive Director

R. Scott Engmann

R. Scott Engmann
Executive Director

 Scott Engmann has been the Executive Director of Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity since 2006, and while he celebrates the affiliates success in serving more than 650 people with housing solutions in the region, he equally appreciates their launch of two ReStore social enterprises in Rapid City and Spearfish, that help fund the Habitat mission through recycling building materials. Scott has had the privilege of building homes with Habitat in Chicago, Hungary and Costa Rica and treasures an ongoing partnership with Habitat Nicaragua and Uganda...
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Black Hills Habitat for Humanity

Team Habitat

We have a strong team leading, managing, and implementing the transformational work of Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity.

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