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Mark Hinz

Project Manager

Neighborhood Beautification

Neighborhood Beautification

Through the Neighborhood Beautification Program, Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity will provide services at no charge to qualifying Pennington County residents such as:

  • Exterior painting to include porches, decks, sheds, homes, and mobile homes.
  • Removal of junk items with appropriate disposal or recycling.
  • Mowing and weed eating of homeowner yard in instances where homeowner does not have access to a functional lawn mower and/or does not possess the physical capacity to perform these tasks.

Applicant Requirements:

The program is limited to owner occupied dwellings with a household income of up to 80% Area Media Income (AMI) as defined by HUD. Repayment is not required, but donations to Black Hills Area Habitat are welcomed.

Please call the Habitat office at 605-348-9196 for more information about the application process.