Our Partner Families
We Build Strength, Stability, and Self-Reliance Through Shelter

December 22, 2024
Rapid City, SD – 2024. The Cordero partner family story is one of transformational change. This is how hard work and a hand up from Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity helped a young family break the cycle of poverty for themselves, their seven children, and two grandchildren. Anthony and...

December 22, 2024
Rapid City, SD – 2024. Richard, a single father of two girls, is finally obtaining a dream come true – a house for his family to call home in Sturgis. A few years ago, Richard’s apartment property manager suggested that he might get his own house through Black Hills Area...

September 25, 2023
Rapid City, SD – 2024. Single mom, Sabrina, a Sturgis native who has worked with Black Hills Special Services for almost a decade, had been living in a crowed home with her father and two boys. She knew that for her kids to have a happy and healthy childhood and...

June 1, 2023
Rapid City, SD – 2024. At Black Hills Area Habitat, we do what we do to serve our partner families like Elena, a 33-year-old single mother of two who also cares for her three nephews. A proud member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and active participant in her community, she...

March 28, 2023
Lavern & Liz
Lavern and Liz applied for the Home Repair program after being without water for a few days. A city pipe crushed their main water pipe under the street in front of their house. This significantly impacted their day-to-day lives as they had no access to their plumbing system. Because of...